Monday, November 24, 2008

back off

i am no longer allowed to sleep on my back.

it sucks.

this is because as baby grows (and so does uterus), sleeping or resting too long on one's back creates pressure on the inferior vena cava, a large vein that supplies blood to the placenta. it can also put undue pressure on the spinal cord and/or large nerves and contribute to or exacerbate sciatica.

unfortunately sleeping on my back (or stomach) is most comfortable for me. i am not a side sleeper. even with a pillow between my knees, my back and hips get tired and sore. my hips also start to ache from my legs not being stretched out straight.

maybe i could learn to sleep standing up?

in the meantime i guess i'll have to learn how to sleep comfortably on my side.

we are at: 16 weeks.

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