Thursday, July 30, 2009

tummy time

it usually starts out like this.

and then we roll over to our belly (assisted, of course).

we try flirting a little, because maybe we can get out of this?

and then we try scooting somewhere. she's going to be an expert at the military crawl, i just know it.

and finally we show off what a big strong girl we are.

good job, kiddo!


Anonymous said...

Aww she is so precious, love her sweet expressions!

Elizabeth said...

She has gotten so cute!

Jaimey said...

G went about like that too but in 4.3 seconds the last shot was him screaming! He hated tummy time. I was so relieved when my ped mentioned that tummy to YOUR tummy counts too! Just gotta get em off their heads, so all that wearing I was doing was counting for "something" LOL. :)

isn't it amazing how fast it goes?

Tabitha (From Single to Married) said...

oh my goodness - look at that beautiful face!! She truly is a pretty baby. But then again, look at her mom! :)