Thursday, August 20, 2009

daddy's first babysitting adventure

last night went like this:

430p: slap on a little makeup before work meeting.

440p: change baby into a fresh, dry diaper.

445p: nurse baby. wait for brian to get home.

455p: brian bursts in the door from work. just in the nick of time, hannah has been saved from the horror of having to be watched by our very lovely neighbors, who are actually a little sad that they don't get to watch her.

505p: ride arrives and i leave for work meeting.

530p: arrive at work meeting. drink one pomegranate margarita. damn, that's good.

630p: meeting ends and dinner begins. drink second pomegranate margarita. surprisingly, no buzz.

735p: first call from brian. he wants to know where the diapers are. the disposables, not the cloth ones. he refuses to use the cloth ones. i changed her three hours ago and he's only just changing her NOW?? obviously, someone is not changing enough diapers.

745p: drink third margarita, a prickly pear one this time. even better than the pomegranate, if that's possible! still no buzz. sigh.

810p: second call from brian. i left him no food for hannah, he says. i remind him that the milk is in the fridge. you know, all that stuff that he complains makes our fridge look like a sperm bank. he informs me that all the bottles are in the dishwasher which is running and i remind him that there are extra bottles in the cupboard. which cupboard? the one over the sink. and how does he warm them up? i left three hours ago and he is only just feeding her NOW?? obviously, someone is not doing this enough.

815p: sadly leave restaurant, as i would have liked more margaritas and a better buzz.

845p: arrive home prepared to "pump and dump," which sucks psychologically to pour all that down the drain, but the night out is always worth it. get chewed out for not leaving husband better "prepared." fortunately baby is still alive. you win some, you lose some.

1 comment:

Jaimey said...

Remind your dear husband that its NOT babysitting when it IS your child. I am glad they both survived. :) Good job getting your drink on, I need a margarita like nobodies business and I have to wait 5 months!!!