happy birthday, my four-month-old baby!
i cannot believe you are four months old. four months ago i didn't even know you, not really. and now i can't imagine my life without you. and speaking of four months ago, where is the baby we brought home from the hospital, all squalling and red-faced and tiny? did you eat her? you must have eaten her because damn, girl, you are getting HUGE. you have about 8 more ounces to go and then you have doubled your birth weight. IN FOUR MONTHS. that's what i get for marrying a giant, eh?
this has been such a busy month, not just for you but for us also. summer ended and we tried to pack in as much fun stuff as we could. like aunt alice's wedding... you were so well-behaved and quiet during the wedding, and then at the end you let out a big huge fart. daddy was so proud! and everyone at the reception just loved on you and you were so pretty in your dress. the next day you got to meet aunt kirsten and uncle rick, and the next day after that we drove home.
and you! you are changing and learning at lightning speed. even faster than that, maybe. this month you figured out that you have a tongue. who knew?! this has resulted in tons of drool (your daddy swears you are teething, but he's wrong) and lots of spit bubbles and raspberries. the raspberries are cute but you hate the resulting bibs that the drool has engendered. keep it in your mouth and we won't have to go there, kiddo.
your new favorite thing is waving your feet around and sticking them up in the air.
along with your tongue, you have also discovered your voice and how to use it. you've been cooing for a while now, but this month you have started to figure out conversation and communication, and you really like to add to the communication. when we're in the car with the radio on, you like to start talking and squealing in the backseat... but if i turn the radio off so i can listen to you, you fall quiet. i hope this doesn't become a habit, this silence towards your parents, because otherwise how are we going to keep you out of trouble when you are sixteen and figure out who the cool bands are?
speaking of cool bands, we took you to your first concert this month! we went to see def leppard and poison up in marysville. you did wonderfully, i think you liked it. there were lots of bright lights and you could hardly tear your eyes away from the stage. it was a beautiful night, clear and warm but not too warm, and i wore you in the front pack and we danced to the music and you loved it. you even let me cover your ears when we were dancing, which i know you hate. you fell asleep during def leppard which only confirms my suspicion that we are, in fact, raising a flexible baby. and yes, i breastfed you during the concert. we sat there on the lawn on our blanket and had us some nursing. yes, we are now Those Parents.
we also took you to your very first giants game this month. i think you did not enjoy that as much as the concert. we loaded up on the sunscreen and thankfully did not get burned, but it was hot and even with your hat and sunglasses i think it was a bit bright for you. you were a bit fussy and then slept through some of the game, but then edgar renteria hit a grand slam in the bottom of the seventh inning to bring the giants ahead, and the crowd went wild, and you went nuts. you looked at me with these wide eyes, opened up your mouth, and let out the loudest wail ever. i think we could hear you on the tv replays later that night.
you were happiest at the game while you were sitting on my lap playing with your rattle, which thankfully i clipped to your onesie with a paci-clip because you kept dropping it and i was NOT going to be picking it up every ten seconds. that's something else new this month. all of a sudden you have become very interested in TOYS! these magical things that make noise and can be grabbed and held and squished between your fingers! of course, you not only love toys but also toys that are not really toys, like burpies. when you sit in your rocker and watch me make dinner, i usually give you a burpie to play with. i think you like the softness of the flannel. you pull on it and twist it and let it slip and slide through your fingers. you stuff it in your mouth and rub it over your face, and drop it on your knees and then pick it up again.
i went back to work this month, and even though i know i have to, it breaks my heart every day to leave you in daycare and let a couple hours of your life go by without me. daddy and i feel very strongly that i should be a full-time mommy to you, so we're working as hard as we can to make that happen. in the meantime, you seem quite happy at daycare. you love sitting on miss courtney's lap, and all the other kiddos at daycare are THRILLED beyond belief that there is a baby there. you seem to love your peeps there too. you don't notice me when i first walk in, and i watch you watch them, absolutely mesmerized. there is so much for you to see and do and touch and taste and learn every day, and you are absolutly engaged and excited and happy to do it. i love watching you like this, sweetie. don't ever change.
so far, this is my all-time favorite picture of you. you're so beautiful, kiddo, and you always will be the most beautiful thing i've ever seen.
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