Wednesday, December 3, 2008


i keep thinking i feel the baby move, but i am not sure, because i've never felt it before and i have no idea what i should be feeling. it doesn't feel like gas (one description i've read) nor does it feel like "butterflies" or "fluttering." and i keep thinking it might be too early to feel the baby. they say first-timers usually don't feel anything until 18-22 weeks and we are not quite there yet.

it is like nothing i've ever felt before and it is very inconsistent. almost like digesting, but not. kind of like a little scratch or rub at the side of my stomach.

am i nuts? is it just pregnancy weirdness? my mom said she was 20 weeks exactly when she felt me first kick, and she had fallen asleep and it woke her up. these are nothing that would wake me up.

what did it feel like for you, and how did you know it was the baby and not just something else?

we are at: 17 weeks 2 days.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

aaahhh!! I think you're totally feeling the baby move. The first movements feel pretty soft because the baby is just so tiny.

that is so exciting!

It was at an ultrasound that I realized I was feeling baby moves when I saw her move and felt the sensation I had been feeling for a couple weeks.