Friday, January 9, 2009

mama recommends: in praise of the bella band

how did i get pregnant without knowing about this wonderful piece of clothing? my sister, who has never been pregnant, turned me on to the bella band. how is it that i missed this?

can i tell you how much i love it? i can wear my nice trousers to work again! hallelujah! and it keeps my tummy warm, and since i am always cold, anything over my skin is a blessing. it also covers up that space between my thermal top and bottoms where my belly pokes out under my clothes. l.o.v.e. it.


Jaimey said...

my too! Now if only I could get them back from my friend who I loaned them too. ummm better email her.

Kelly said...

I had never heard of or seen these, but then I saw them in Target last night. Totally genius. So genius that I almost want one just to extend some of my shirts when I wear low-rise pants.
Would that be frumpy??

eireann said...

apparently on the insert that comes with it, you can wear it "anytime anything does fit just right." especially nice since i am long-waisted and hate tugging down shirts to cover my waistband. now it looks like i am stylish and layering.