Monday, January 26, 2009

wherein everything progresses right on schedule

another routine checkup today and everything seems to be right on track where it is supposed to be. i am measuring 25 cm fundal height, which is supposed to (and does) correspond with the number of weeks along. blood pressure is fine though it has not been an issue save one minor hiccup last month, which personally i think is attributable to the stress of not being able to pee before the ultrasound. according to the doctor i am gaining enough weight but not too much and am neither too large nor too small in the belly. she had reviewed our ultrasound with the tech and everything looks normal. we heard our gal's heartbeat again, nice and strong, 150 bpm.

this time we left with a handful of paperwork. it seems like every visit is the same with some little added twist and this time it was the paperwork. lab slips and instructions for my blood glucose test which is am supposed to do between weeks 27 and 28. the dvd for our newborn care class (part of the birthing class we signed up for) that we have to watch. more information about how things should be progressing in the next couple weeks. a card for tracking kick counts (starting in week 28) which i thought was not really done so much anymore but i guess i am wrong or maybe my doctor is just old-school. an online video to watch that i signed up for a while back but can't remember what it is for, maybe about pain relief during labor? and of course we have to make a birth plan. brian was pretty insistent that he did not want to cut the cord and actually turned a little green when i asked him about it, but he was offended that i want my mother there during delivery in case he passes out, go figure.

next weekend or so we will start in on decorating the nursery, now that i have cleaned out my sewing room to make room for the baby. we have settled on lavendar for the walls but not yet agreed on which lavender. i am not a huge fan of lavender in particular and purple in general so i am leaning towards more of a pinky lavendar which brian wants a bluer, cooler shade. we also have to figure out what we want for a crib so we can let my dad know as he has generously offered to build us a crib. and we have to find a dresser. and i have to get the rest of my crap out of there so we actually have a place to put things. oy!

we are at: 25 weeks.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

that's awesome that your dad is going to build a crib!
I am a huge fan of cribs that convert to toddler beds. It makes the "transition" easier.
Lorylei has lavender walls. She loves it. I picked a pinky one, in a very pale shade. The pink helps pick up and spread the light, whereas a blue-er one will make the room feel darker.