Monday, April 20, 2009

37 weeks = full term

according to my doctor, i WILL get even larger. wonderful!

i know now why the third trimester is the dreaded one. what you can't see in this photo, thank god, is how swollen and hot and uncomfortable the rest of my body is. my wedding ring is on a chain around my neck as i cannot get it on anymore in this heat. you also cannot see how unbalanced i still am. brian discovered that this weekend after i burst into tears after one too many comments about my cankles. it's okay for me to make fun of me, but not him! he deals with stress and tension by cracking jokes... i think this whole pregnancy thing (and what it is doing to my body) is weirding him out as much as it is me.

in other news, the dresser finally arrived! and we have knobs! i had been searching for knobs for quite a while and had not been able to find anything that we could both agree on. in the end we put on our creative aprons, got out some acrylic paint, and painted plain wooden knobs:

i love them. they are so sweet, and go with her room, and were made special for kiddo with love by her mom and dad. i love love love them. and they look so pretty on her beautiful dresser:

we still have to get a changing pad and a diaper pail (the dresser will double as a changing table). i did an unbelieveable amount of laundry this weekend and now all those drawers are full of teeny sweet kiddo things.

at this point kiddo can come at any time and be considered full term. doc says we want to get through april and then we will be happy whenever she comes. due date is may 11 and at the moment (uncomfortable and all) i would like her to be later than that, just so i can have the extra time to rest.

we are at: 37 weeks.


Jessika said...

Oh sweetie, you look SO SAD! It will be over soon!

Jessika said...

And make B take the photo!!!

Anonymous said...

You look great! Yes I know its such a change what pregnancy does to the body, but I promise one day you will miss the belly! But I can say I never ever ever missed the swelling, ugh. It won't be long and you will be holding your little one.

eireann said...

i did not mean to look sad! i was actually on my way out the door to work and i thought, i should take a photo first because if i wait till i get home tonight, i will either forget or be all bedraggled from the day and not want to.

jenna, thank you for the encouragement!

Kelly said...

Okay, here are my predictions for Hannah's birthday: May 1st-since you are one of about 5 other people I know born on that day!! Or May 5th-then you have an excuse to have a margarita!!:)

JNJIMallonFamilyBlog said...

Isn't being huge and uncomfortable fun? At least you only have to make it through a couple of hot weeks! A May baby will be good and you can use all the cute summer dresses on her! :) I love the dresser knobs, they are too cute!