Tuesday, April 14, 2009

wherein boobs are discussed, but not at great length.

weekly checkup was today, very quick. kiddo's heartbeat is a nice strong 140 beats per minute and my blood pressure is fine.

brian has been bugging me lately to get the hospital bag packed. he asked me last night, do you want to bring a deck of cards with us? i said, do you honestly think we'll have time to play cards? he said, i might be bored. i said, i think will be keeping you pretty busy with the whole BIRTHING A BABY thing.

we (possibly just me) have a breastfeeding class tonight. this morning at the doctor they had me fill out a quick little questionnaire about my boobs in general and breastfeeding in particular. since i've never had a kiddo it was pretty easy, lots of no's. the very first question kind of threw me, though: have your breasts changed size since you became pregnant? of course they have. they are monsters attached to my chest, rivaled only in size by my stomach. there was a box to check to say "increased in size" or a box to say "stayed the same." WHOSE BOOBS STAY THE SAME SIZE DURING PREGNANCY?


Elizabeth said...

Although everyone is different, I wish I had brought the deck of cards! My water broke at 6:00 am in the morning,and when I arrived at the hospital, I was only at 1 centimeter. Since my water broke, I had to stay put in the hospital, but my daughter was not born until 11:00 pm that night. 3/4 of the time I was not in that much pain,and could have really used the distraction. The real pain started at 8:00pm. SO...........bring cards, magazines and something just in case so your husband won't have to leave to get stuff. BUT if things go quickly then hey you're lucky. Typically though the first one takes a while.

Elizabeth said...

Oh, forgot to mention that I could have checked the box "No changes" Weird huh?
I breastfed both of my kids and can proudly say that neither of them ever, and I do mean ever had a bottle.The went from me to a sippy cup. I know you have to go back to work, but at least you can pump.
My best advice for new moms that are embarking on breastfeeding is this:
1. make sure you go to classes, and make sure they are with a board certified lactation consultant. Do not rely on La leche league. I think most hospitals now a days set moms up the right way though.
2. The first two weeks are tough,and as much as you want to quit, try and make it past the tough times, it is so worth it. Never be afraid to ask for help. I have a friend who is a lactation consultant and she works miracles.

3. Enjoy it and know that you are giving your child the very best food source :)

Happy nursing

Anonymous said...

How great your taking a breastfeeding class, I so would have taken this. Though I know my experience is different since I bf twins, but my advice would be to stick with it and feed every 2-3 hours at least for the first few weeks until your milk is thoroughly established. Oh and it took me almost 1 hour for the first few weeks each feeding sometimes I look back and think how in the hell did I do that, but I was super determined and I did bf for 7 months.

Oh and my boobs definitely changed alot.

Have fun!

Kelly said...

Bring the cards!! I know it seems odd, but you just may end up bored.
With you on the boobs thing. I grew 3 cup sizes(and I was a "C" to start with!!) and once I finished nursing I went down about 1.5 cups, and still have all of that extra boob left. I would have loved to be able to check the "stayed the same" box. And though I doubt size has anything to do with milk quality, but I'm sure it affects quantity- I could happily say that Lorylei slept for 6 hour streches at night around 3 weeks old. That.was.awesome.

eireann said...

thank you for the encouragement! i'm feeling somewhat confident that we will do okay at breastfeeding. our medical center has a whole lactation department including a drop-in clinic every morning, and the highest bf rate in the county.

funny about the cards, brian asked me about them again this weekend. guess i will bring them just in case. :)

Jaimey said...

I thought my boobs would grow feet and walk away they got so big! I thought for sure they would shrink after Bfing but they have only gotten bigger and bigger! I am now a 36/8 DD!! I was a lovely little C! ugh. We'll see what they do after another baby... good luck. Its coming quick. Makes me wish I lived closer so I could help out. {HUGS}