Thursday, April 30, 2009

HECK. i am not ready for this.

today's appointment at the doctor was another quick one. brian has been amazed at how quick they are lately, but they are just brief checkups. yes, i am still pregnant. yes, kiddo is still head-down with a good strong heartbeat. nope, not dilated yet BUT apparently things are changing (softening) enough that doc said i may not make it to next wednesday's appointment.


if i do make it that far, we'll just schedule another appointment for the following week, but i might not make it that far.


i am not ready to have this kid yet. i have too much to do. the shelves for her closet still need to be painted. i still need to get brackets so i can hang the shelf on the wall above her dresser. i have cooking to do and a freezer to stock. i need time to just put my feet up and rest with a good book that i know i will not be able to finish once she arrives.

i called brian to let him know how things went:

brian: you're out of there already? what did she say?

me: everything is fine, she is still healthy and head-down. she also said i might not make it to my appointment next week.

brian: why not?

me: because of how my body is changing, she is getting ready to be born.

brian: but why does that mean you might not go to the appointment? is the doctor not going to be there or something? why wouldn't you go?


brian: no! we can't have a baby yet! i haven't slept in a month!

me: honey, i haven't slept in FOUR months.

we are at: 38 weeks 3 days.


Jessika said...

What!?! Seriously?!

Jenny | The Balow Bunch said...

That's got to be the typical guy reaction. I love it!

And I'm sure you're way more ready than you think you are.

I'm looking forward to the "Baby Stenz is here" post!!!

miss kerry said...

i think you think you will be having a todler, remember that newborns sleep, and while you should sleep when she sleeps, and it will be in small amounts, that she wont need you to hold her every minute she's awake, and you can still carry on a life.
i, personally, cant wait for her to be a little bigger and have some personality! but i'll start with meeting her soooon!!

eireann said...

i think brian thinks we are having a toddler. he is concerned about how much she will cry. i am thinking, she will probably be too busy either eating or sleeping to cry much.

personally, i am just not ready to do this whole labor/delivery thing. it has always been "at some point in the future," but now that "some point in the future" is pretty much here. whether it is tomorrow or next week or the week after, it is pretty much here.

Kelly said...

Ha. I had been on leave for 2 weeks, and went in for an appointment on Friday where they put me on "watch" for low-ish amniotic fluid and potential small-ish baby size. They scheduled me to come in on Monday to check again, but anticipated for me to be delivering on the due date because the critter's estimated weight was 4.5 lbs, and they wanted her to stay in as long as possible.
Well, I went in on Monday at 9am and ended up checking in to the hospital at 10. On Tuesday at 5:03pm my 5.5 lb bright eyed critter was born. I was SO unprepared. I didn't even have a hospital bag ready. And I survived.
Don't ask me where the 6.5 years since have gone :)
You'll be fine. And I can't wait to see pictures of baby Hannah!!

Elizabeth said...

How exciting that it is almost time!!!Good luck and I'll be sending good delivery vibes your way :)

Anonymous said...

Ha Ha how funny!!! I am so excited for you guys!