Sunday, June 21, 2009


i'm becoming a milk donor!

i'm very excited. i've always wanted to donate blood; i appreciate the need but can't get past the needle aspect. i've always had a donor sticker on my driver's license. now, i recently found out about milk donation - something i can do easily and painlessly. yippee!

we're just at the beginning - it seems to be quite a process. i had to get pre-screened and then fill out an application and get my ob and hannah's pediatrician to sign off. once that's approved, i have to take a blood test (a smaller needle and for less time than donating blood). once that comes back clear, they'll send me the supplies i need to donate the milk. it's a kind of reverse mail-order process, which is fortunate since we're about 100 miles away from the actual bank and i wouldn't relish the drive if i had to drop it off in person. i don't see why they wouldn't accept me as a donor. i'm perfectly healthy with an uneventful medical history (except for the craziness getting hannah born). i don't have any communicable diseases, or even any uncommunicable ones. as far as i can tell, i'm exactly what they're looking for.

if you have the ability, i strongly encourage you to consider milk donation yourself. it can help a baby live!


Jenny | The Balow Bunch said...

Good for you! I hope you get approved? Did you have to get any blood transfusions when Hannah was born? I had a friend get denied for that reason.

eireann said...

not unless they didn't tell me about it. the "strangest" thing i have going on is that the doctor discovered a fibroid the size of a baseball sitting on top of my uterus when they were in there for the c-section, but it's apparently no cause for concern.

Sarah @ said...

Cheers to you! One of my good friends does this and it's such a great, rewarding experience for her. I hope you enjoy it too =)

Hey, also, about the SSA thing (I know, I'm so nosey, but it really bothers me that they're willing to help me out when I had nothing on the line, but not willing to help your husband out when it's about FAMILY LEAVE), have you thought about contacting your congressman? A relative of ours used to work for the SSA and so I asked about it over the weekend adn he said that local congressmen were always the ones pushing them to do things they could do but just didn't want to do.

Sarah @

Anonymous said...

Thats so amazing, way to go. I would totally donate if the situation would arrive again. Last time I needed every drop I could get for my little guys.

Jaimey said...

When I had Jonathan I had hoped my milk would come in so I could donate for a while and at least help me feel like the whole thing was for a "good cause" if nothing else but alas it was too early and it never came in. :( Maybe next time with this baby.