to save money, my mom has been sewing little diapers for i don't know how long. i know she made some at least two years ago, because she showed them to me with strict instructions NOT to tell anyone, lest they think she is nuts to be sewing for a baby that had no plans of existing at the time. once we got pregnant she ramped it up and has been sending them to me. she complains a little sometimes but i think secretly she likes experimenting with the different fabrics and construction techniques and being able to contribute to the kiddo. she even cut up an old sheet to make cloth wipes.
obviously this is not the entire stash. the entire stash is in a box in the closet that is not even close to containing everything, and yes it is driving me nuts that i can't put them away yet.
the green one and the elmo one (at the bottom) are the two that i attempted and while they are not awful, i think hers will get more use. i didn't put any elastic in mine so we shall see. they all take little liners in the crotch area, kind of like little maxipads to absorb the pee and poo. i have a huge bag of terrycloth "liners" similar to the one with elmo on it. the blue-gray stripey thing is one of the wipes she made, for which i am planning on making my own wipes solution. once i get a recipe down that i like i will post.
we are at: 30 weeks 3 days.
I hate to say this, because I'm a hippy at heart, but I'm with your husband on this one. The new diapers are so amazing in their ability to not cause diaper rash and the fact that they have very little plastics in them to cause landfill problems, are a plus. Give the cloth a try,but I'm telling ya, the disposable ones are a God send!
cloth diapering was something that never, ever crossed my mind as a possibility. If I were to have a baby now, I wouldn't consider not giving cloth my best possible effort. Mostly for environmental reasons, but also cloth diapered kids potty train faster( I think the jury is out on this, but Lorylei went to a cloth diapering daycare when she turned 3 and I SWEAR it is true!! with "pull-ups" kids don't even know when they're wet!)
Search the "Angry Chicken" blog for a wipe solution recipe. I am about 90% sure Amy once posted the one she uses.
Best of luck on this one!
my sister and i were both in cloth diapers or else i probably would have just dismissed it as too much work. so i figure if she could do it then so can i. the jury is still kind of out for me. i really really really want this kid in cloth diapers for environmental reasons and to save money. also because i figure i personally would not want to be sitting in my own pee for however many hours until someone notices i have a damp diaper, so why would i want my kid to? and yes, i have heard from many people that they poty-train sooner in cloth, which would certainly be a blessing. but - if it ends up being too much work... i am just hoping it won't!
i will have to look for amy's solution recipe, thanks!
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