Tuesday, March 31, 2009

who designed these pants? i mean, seriously.

things non-pregnant people take for granted:

- wine with dinner.
- sex.
- sleeping on your stomach.
- sleeping, in general.
- side zippers.
- finding clothes that fit.
- finding clothes that fit and actually resemble something they might want to wear from a selection of three racks in the ENTIRE STORE.
- getting in and out of the car.
- getting up from a chair.
- energy.
- tying their shoes or giving themselves a pedicure.
- actually fitting into any shoes other than flip-flops.
- climbing stairs.
- lack of stretch marks.
- sanity.

we are at: 34 weeks 1 day.


Jessika said...

I am feeling rather spry tonight, so I am leaving this message "Wasn't there a woman who ran a marathon right before she went into labor?"

I think I'm encouraging you to come up here and beat me. Bring it! You'd so kick my behind.

Hang in there-- just a little bit left! And have your B push you from behind up the stairs.

eireann said...

heck! another thing non-pregnant people take for granted: anything resembling agility. SO could not kick your behind. :)

Elizabeth said...

Soon you will get to enjoy all of it again, I promise. Hey you are almost there! Best of luck to you :)

Kelly said...

yeah, maternity wear is frumpy at best. Though I will say that I have seen some way better stuff than was out there 7(yikes) years ago now.

The thing I felt people took for granted most in my last few months of pregnancy was eating more than 5 bites of ANYTHING at one sitting. I thought I would die of starvation and/or heartburn. seriously. And anything even remotely spicy? misery.

The next month or so will be long and excruciating, but the minute that baby girl is born the time will start passing like you will have never thought possible :)